Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Olentangy River: Not the Same as it Used to Be

With the removal of the 5th Avenue dam in early August, the Olentangy River looks quite different than it used to.  My dad came to a football game earlier this year and was shocked at how low the water level was.  The water levels  especially near campus, have receded and exposed the river's rocky bed, along with a great deal of trash and debris.  Those walking over the bridges to The Ohio State University campus have seen many shopping carts and other items stuck in the bed of the river.  The removal of the dam has also caused construction along the Olentangy Trail.  There is a detour near the towers on Cannon Drive on campus.

Exposed river bed along the Olentangy River
According to an article from The Columbus Dispatch, "The river restoration has already begun. The plan is to create a new channel for the flowing water along a 2-mile stretch north of the dam.
The channel will be narrower, so crews will shore up the riverbank, planting trees, shrubs and grasses, and creating wetlands and parkland, said Bryon Ringley, senior principal for Stantec, the project’s design engineer.  Officials want to create a more natural-flowing river that will improve conditions for fish and other wildlife. They also hope the restored river will attract more visitors to the river’s edge. OSU faculty members plan to use the river and wetlands for research and education." (Ferenchik, 2012).
Although it does not look pretty now, in a few years, the natural growth will return and it should become a more aesthetically pleasing part of Columbus.  
On a more positive note, Dodridge Street is now open!  This allows much easier traffic flow in this area because all drivers do not have to solely use Lane Avenue to get from Olentangy River Road to High Street.  Also, the Dodridge Bridge has reopened allowing avid cyclists using the trail to not have to be rerouted.  

Family owned restaurants - Gables Elementary Families

Support the Families of Gables Elementary students by visiting these locally owned restaurants:

2831 Olentangy River Road
Columbus, OH 43202

Cafe Kable Pallow

2162 Henderson Road
Columbus, Ohio 43220

Tacos at Cucos

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sources for Community project postings by Drew Gattermeyer:

Happy Holidays by Andy Williams video-credit to youtube.

Reddit-Columbussubreddit-credit to reddit.com

Columbus Commons event calendar post- credit to Columbus Commons.

Self-created playlist- credit to Drew Gattermeyer.

Photos of Tai's Asian Bistro- credit to Drew Gattermeyer and Reube.

Ohio State vs. Illinois Game- credit to Abby Kyle for supplying the photos.

Dissection photos-credit to Abby Kyle for supplying the photos.

Find a Good Book & Get Help with Homework!

The Columbus Metropolitan Library has been consistently ranked as one of the top library systems in the country. (http://www.haplr-index.com/HAPLR100.htm)

Conveniently located in the Olentangy River area are both the Northside and Whetstone Branches of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.  Not only do these libraries have great books to check out, both branches have Homework Help Centers, where students can get assistance with homework after school.  Students can also use the computers and print at the libraries.  Those looking for jobs can use the Job Help Center at both libraries as well.

Visit the Northside Branch at 1423 N. High St.

Photo courtesy of Amy Hoffmeister
Photo courtesy of Amy Hoffmeister
Homework Help Center Hours:

3:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Job Help Center Hours:

Monday- 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Wednesday- 12 p.m.-2 p.m.

Visit the Whetstone Branch at 3909 N. High St.
Location Image
  Homework Help Center Hours:
  Monday-Thursday: 3 p.m.-6 p.m.
  Sunday: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

  Job Help Center Hours:
  Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
  Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.                                        

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Old-School Social Media...

 Check out some of the postings from the Community Board at Panera on Bethel and Olentangy River Road:



Columbus Recreation and Parks - Tuttle Park and Community Center

Another Columbus Park to check out...

Tuttle Park and Community Center

The Tuttle Community Center features a gym, activity rooms, and a playground.

Tuttle Park offers a walking path, access to the Olentangy Bike Path, basketball courts, tennis courts, and baseball diamonds.

A mural of downtown Columbus at the Tuttle Park basketball courts.
Tuttle Park and Community Center are just north of campus and just south of the Tuttle Pool that Reuben posted about in a previous post. Learn more about the Park and Community Center.


Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Logo
Polar bear at the zoo!
photo courtesy of Amy Hoffmeister
I worked with a teacher who was planning a trip to the zoo.  It was a great, educational experience which the students really enjoyed!  Our 4th and 5th grade class participated in the Treasure Quest program, where students used a handheld computer device to solve a mystery while doing activities along the way.  They loved it!

There are numerous other opportunities for all grade levels.  They hit many science standards as well.

Polar bear spending time in the sun
photo courtesy of Amy Hoffmeister
We are very lucky to have this great resource so close to home!  According to travelchannel.com, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is one of the top zoos in the country.

Information for future teachers who would like to take their students to the zoo:

The programs do not include the cost of admission.  The cost of admission for school groups inside Franklin County, is $2 per person.  

Also, check out the Learning is Wild Scholarship!  It will fund up to 75% of the trip's cost and is available to public schools in Central Ohio where 30% or more students are on free and reduced lunch or private school students who are on scholarship.

Visit colszoo.org for great information about this wonderful resource in Central Ohio and near the Olentangy River area!

Interview with a Parent from 5th Avenue International K-8

Q: Why do you like to live in the community near the Olentangy River?

 I like to live in this community for a variety of reasons:

A: There are many great doctors within a 5 mile radius in which I am able to
    select the best care for my family.

A: We enjoy the parks and recreation areas.  We love having parks involving
    the Olentangy River and creeks.  My son likes to hike the "forests."

A: We like the neighborhoods.  They are very friendly and community oriented.

A: We like the school systems.  We are able to choose which schools we 
    would like our son to attend.

~Marcy S., parent, 5th Avenue International K-8

In response to the same question, the grandmother of another student mentioned:

A: The neighborhoods are great!  When we first moved here, we had block 
    parties and really got to know our neighbors.

A: Everything is very convenient.  We enjoy being able to walk to the grocery 

A: The trails along the Olentangy River are beautiful and great for hiking and 

~Karen L., grandmother, 5th Avenue International K-8

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Columbus Recreation and Parks - Carriage Place Center

The Columbus Recreations and Parks Department offers a variety of programs for children and families. Along the Olentangy 315 Trail, there are quite a few Parks to visit...

Carriage Place Center

Carriage Place Learning Center Entrance
Carriage Place Learning Center
Carriage Place Playground and Walking Trail
Get more information about the programs and opportunities at Carriage Place Center.

The Recreation and Parks Department offers sports, camps, and educational programs. Capital Kids is an after-school and summer program - check out the Capital Kids performance Be Somebody!

Local Ohio State University hospital

At some point you may need medical attention. Come check out the state of the art medical center on The Ohio State University's campus. For more information click OSU medical center.

Interview with a Doctor L from the OSU Dental Clinic:
Question: What does OSU Dental offer to the community?
Doctor L: They have a Community Outreach project that they do called OHIO. This stands for Oral Health Improvement through Outreach. The dental students will volunteer at medicaid places across the state to provide dental services for free or through medicaid. Visit OHIO Project.
Also, fourth year students do dental work in low income areas for the 1st semester as part of the dental requirements.
There is also a Latin Clinic, that provides free cleanings and fillings for the Hispanic community. It is located at Northwood and High Street. This happens the 1st Tuesday of the month from 5-8pm.

Running in Cowtown

From the Olentangy Trail and Antrim Park to downtown paths and races, Columbus offers a variety of paths for its runners.

Columbus hosted a Hot Chocolate 5K and 15K, with proceeds benefiting Ronald McDonald House. The race started at High and State Street downtown. The 5K race path took runners thought downtown, past the Convention Center, around Goodale Park and the North Market. Racers ran their final mile along the Scioto River and the Scioto Mile Park before crossing the finish line near the Columbus Commons park.

Abby and her sister-in-law await the start of the Hot Chocolate 5K

Finishers of the race warmed up with hot chocolate, fondue, music, carousel rides, and  bounce houses at the after-party in Columbus Commons!
 Check out upcoming races in Columbus here: http://www.premierraces.com/.

Olentangy Trail's water hot spots

Columbus Aquatics Center

A great place to swim indoors in short north Columbus. Located right next to 5th Avenue Alternative International off 5th Ave. and Hunter Ave. Click here for more information on events, location and opening. Columbus Aquatics Center

Tuttle Pool

Great pool located just north of The Ohio State University off the Olentangy bike trail. Open to during the summer months as an outdoor pool to escape from the heat of the summer. Get access to this pool and find out more information here at Tuttle Pool.
















COSI - Science Discovery and Fun for all Ages

This fall, COSI is featuring LEGO Castle Adventure. Visitors can explore the world of castles, knights, and dragons in the LEGO exhibit. Different sized building blocks offer children of all ages the opportunity to explore with the building blocks. Visitors have the opportunity to dress up as knights or princesses and to take their try at jousting. The exhibit is open at COSI until January 13, 2013.
Ryan enjoyed building towers in the LEGO Building area, but he liked tearing down his tower even more!

 Emma and her dad both enjoyed exploring in Little KidSpace - an area designed especially for younger guests and their families. Emma is taking on the role of doctor while Dad checks out the color plates (he's color blind, so he can't tell the difference!).

If you're planning to visit COSI this fall or winter, you'll want to visit the Holiday Lights Show, a live show about the science of holiday lighting,  and the Body Worlds and the Brain, a traveling exhibit featuring preserved human specimens highlighting neuroscience, brain development, and performance.

Be sure to check out www.cosi.org and the COSI Facebook page for information on Schools Out Camps, Family Friday Nights, and other events.

Incredible downtown Columbus Park!

Scioto Mile Columbus Recreation and Parks

Right downtown and open to the public. 
Great Spot during the summer heat!
                                          Community events that are great for family and friends.
For more information on location, events and opening visit Scioto Mile Website


Event Calendar Columbus Commons

Looking for a great wintery something to do? Why not try the Columbus Commons! Events Calendar posted below!

Happy Holidays!

Song for the Season

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Goodale Park Gate Dedication

On October 7th, 2012, the Northwest gate of Goodale Park was rededicated
Photo courtesy of Amy Hoffmeister

Dedication Ceremony Pictures
Students from Fifth Avenue International K-8 participated in the ceremony.  They sang a song they had practiced at school and said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Picture courtesy of goodalepark.org/node/173

Fountain at Goodale Park on a beautiful fall day.
Photo courtesy of Amy Hoffmeister
"The gate was donated by William H. Fish in 1899.  The Fish family lived in the house directly diagonal from the gate.  The gate was designed by Isabell Terrell.  The faces carved into the gate portray the seven ages of man from Shakespeare's play, "As You Like It," Act 2, Scene 7 soliloquy that begins with 'All the world's a stage...'.  The eighth carving is the face of Lincoln Goodale."
For more information and pictures of this event, visit http://goodalepark.org/.
Or, enjoy an afternoon at one of Columbus' most historic parks!  Did you know that for a time in the 1870s, Goodale Park was a menagerie?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Photos from The Ohio State vs. Illinois game

Students in Ms. Rensel's class participated in a video conference with Alaska SeaLife Center to learn about cephalopods. Students learned about careers in marine science, watched video clips of marine life research, discussed the characteristics of mollusks and cephalopods.

Students at Gables Elementary Dissecting a squid. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Throwback School of Short North Columbus


Originally constructed in 1893 as North High School, it was renamed Everett Junior High School in 1924. Go here for more details. 

Now in 2012, we know it as 5th Avenue Alternative International.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Short North Taco Stand

At 5th Avenue and Forsythe Avenue, in the short north, there is a taco stand conveniently located next to Las Maravillas called Tacqueras Los Primos. 

Delicious Tacos!!!
It is owned by a local community family of a student from 5th Avenue Alternative International.

Reuben about to enjoy the Dan Dan noodle bowl at his favorite Chinese restaurant Tai's Asian bistro, located on Lane Avenue.

Tai's Entrance!
 Beautiful Decor

Best Egg rolls in town!

 Chicken Pad Thai.. YUM!